What is one sided love? | What should do when the one sided love create of a person?| 10 signs of one side love | How to know if your love is one sided?

What is one-sided love?

What is one sided love?

Although it is a bit difficult to explain one sided love, but in common language we can call it the feeling of attraction towards a particular person. For example, suppose a boy likes a girl very much. At the same time, that girl does not even know that that boy likes her. Apart from this, it is also possible that the girl knows that the boy loves her, but that girl wants another boy. Both these situations show unrequited love. That is, the feeling of attraction towards a particular person, which is limited to that person, the person who has that feeling in his mind, can be called one-sided love.

What should do when the one sided love create of a person?

In the next part of the article, we will now talk about some signs of  one sided love.

How to know if your love is one sided?

How to know if your love is one sided?

Generally, unless a person expresses love to the person towards whom he has love in his heart, it is called one-sided love. At the same time, in many cases it is also seen that despite the expression of love, the chemistry between the two people does not become anything, it can also be a sign of one-sided love. In such a situation, it can be known through some easy signs that your love is one sided or not. Some of these signs are as follows:

10 signs of one side love 

1.Apologize excessively

If you have to apologize again and again for everything in a relationship, then understand that this is a sign of one-sided love. Everything is equal in every relationship, including ruminating and celebrating. This applies to both the people who love each other. If this is not the case in your case, you should be alert.

2. Being insecure about the relationship

The feeling of breaking the relationship again and again in the mind. There is a fear in the heart that she will be attracted to someone else or will go away. If such feelings always come in one's mind, then it can be a great sign of unrequited love. Actually, trust and trust are considered to be the basic characteristics of love. In such a situation, where there is really love, there is no room for doubt.

3. Questioning oneself

If questions often arise in someone's mind about themselves, such as: - I am beautiful, am I not? Does my boyfriend or girlfriend like me? He likes my behavior and clothes, doesn't he? So this can be a sign of unrequited love. At the same time it is also possible that this relationship is going on from your side only.

4 Rudely behavior

Suppose you are always ready to make new plans for your partner. You like to plan surprises and give gifts from time to time to make them happy. Despite this, your partner's behavior remains indifferent towards you and they never thought of doing such a thing for you, so be alert. It makes it clear that all the efforts are being made from your side to make this relationship work i.e. your love is one sided.

5. Planning everything according to the partner

If you have to do everything with the will of your boyfriend or girlfriend. Whether you want to watch a movie, go for a walk or even meet him, you have to wait for his yes. Not only this, every time you have to adjust your time according to your partner, then it is time to stop and think for a while. This does not happen in mutual love, rather both the partners make a plan keeping in mind the convenience of each other. They also respect each other's feelings.

6. Calling and messaging by yourself

Always you call or message on your behalf. Your partner never messages and calls you from the front. Whereas it is only your job to inquire about their well being, then it can be a sign of one-sided love. In such a situation, you should try to know the reason behind this behavior of your partner.

7. Asking Your Mutual Friend About Him

You do not tell anything about yourself to yourself and you have to ask your common friend i.e. mutual friend about your partner. At the same time, you have to call or message them to know about the regular routine. Apart from this, many times you have to put pressure on them to share things. So it is possible that your love is one sided.

8. Resentment over small talk

If small things like meeting you, going somewhere together, planning something together seem too much to the boyfriend or girlfriend and he starts expressing displeasure about these things. So in such a situation, it is time to stop and think for a while whether your love is one sided or not.

9. Always sedness

Not getting time for laughter with partner. To start everything with yourself and not to have them present to you to narrate your heart. All these things can make you sad. If this situation often arises between you two, then understand that your love is one sided.

10. Blame everything on you

If your boyfriend or girlfriend holds you responsible for any kind of problem, then it cannot be love. Those who love each other never blame their partner for any mistake or flaw, but try to understand the situation and move forward.

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